
Our open pricing options will help you find the best Cyber Security solution for your needs. Discover our extensive protection plans in the pricing table below.



Silver (Annually)

Gold (Monthly)

Platinum (Monthly)

Cyber Essentials Micro £320.00 £53.33 £80.00
Cyber Essentials Small £440.00 £65.00 £110.00
Cyber Essentials Medium £500.00 £83.33 £125.00
Cyber Essentials Large £600.00 £85.00 £150.00
IASME Cyber Assurance L1 Micro £320.00 £64.00 £80.00
IASME Cyber Assurance L1 Small £440.00 £88.00 £110.00
IASME Cyber Assurance L1 Medium £500.00 £100.00 £125.00
IASME Cyber Assurance L1 Large £600.00 £120.00 £150.00
IASME Cyber Baseline Micro £320.00 £64.00 £80.00
IASME Cyber Baseline Small £440.00 £88.00 £110.00
IASME Cyber Baseline Medium £500.00 £100.00 £125.00
IASME Cyber Baseline Large £600.00 £120.00 £150.00
Cyber Essentials+ (from) £999.00 £199.80 £249.75
Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials+ combined (from) £1,319.00 £263.80 £329.75
Data Security Consultancy (hr) £200.00 --- ---
Pentesting (day) £999.00 --- ---
IT Support (hr) £100.00 --- ---
Dark Web Organisational Monitoring Service £49.00 --- ---
Training (1/2 day) £450.00 --- ---
Online User Training (from) £30.00 --- ---
Cyber Security Audits (from) £999.00 --- ---

Monthly Per-seat Products

Pentesting (per ip) £100.00 --- ---
Vulnerability Scanning (per IOP) £100.00 --- ---
SOC Monitoring 24/7 (per endpoint) £8.00 --- ---
Automated phishing and end-user training £49.00 --- ---
DAST/Vulnerability Scanning £300.00 --- ---