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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do cyber security services cost?

The cost of cybersecurity services varies based on your business’s size, complexity, and specific needs. You can see some guideline pricing here and for a tailored quote, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

How does Unity Metrix compare to other cyber security providers?

Unity Metrix stands out by offering comprehensive, customised cybersecurity solutions tailored specifically for SMEs. We combine technical measures with governance and compliance, ensuring your business is fully protected and compliant. Our approach is designed to meet the unique needs of smaller enterprises, providing robust security without overwhelming your resources.

What are the top cyber security risks for SMEs today?

Top cybersecurity risks for SMEs include phishing attacks, ransomware, data breaches, and weak password practices. Staying informed and implementing robust security measures can mitigate these risks.

What happens if a cyber breach occurs?

In the event of a cyber breach, Unity Metrix provides immediate support to contain and mitigate the impact. We also help you develop and implement a recovery plan to restore normal operations swiftly.

What should I look for when choosing a cyber security service?

When choosing a cybersecurity service, look for providers with a proven track record, comprehensive solutions that include both technical and governance measures, and strong customer support.

Doesn’t my existing IT company handle my cyber security?

While your IT company may provide some security measures, specialised cybersecurity services like those from Unity Metrix offer a deeper focus on protecting against sophisticated threats and ensuring compliance.

Can Unity Metrix ensure my company is compliant with regulations like GDPR?

Yes, Unity Metrix helps your business comply with regulations like GDPR by implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures and governance frameworks that align with regulatory standards.

How long does it take to implement cyber security measures?

The time required to implement cybersecurity measures varies depending on your business’s size and complexity. Unity Metrix works efficiently to deploy effective security solutions promptly while ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Why should I get Cyber Essentials certification?
Get Your Cyber Essentials Certification Today Cyber Essentials certification is increasingly becoming a minimum requirement for many businesses, who expect their partners and suppliers not only to ensure that they protect personal data, but that they can prove it.
Why is penetration testing required and why is it so important?
Penetration testing is required for two main reasons: Everyone makes mistakes! In Microsoft Windows for instance there are over a 50 million lines of code, there are definitely going to be mistakes, and some can be costly. Hackers actively look for those mistakes. Hackers have all the time in the world; they get a buzz […]
Why do I need cyber essentials?
Why do I need cyber essentials? You have the potential to win more business – do you know how many potential clients HAVE’NT contacted you because you lack it? Some Government contract REQUIRE that you hold a minimum of Cyber Essentials certification. Many businesses now make is a prerequisite for doing business with other parties. […]
What is the main purpose of penetration testing
Purpose of penetration testing The purpose of a penetration test is to uncover vulnerabilities that can then be fixed. There are many attack surfaces that can be used by threat agents (hackers), including software and system bugs, coding errors, poor passwords and bad security practices in general. Many of these can be rectified simply by […]
What is the Cyber Essentials scheme?
Cyber Essentials is a government led, cyber security standard that outlines the basic steps that businesses can take to secure their systems, which your business can be assessed and certified against, certification is awarded by an approved IASME Certification Body Cyber Essentials has two certifications, Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus with the later being […]
What is Cyber Essentials, does my business need it?
Cyber Essentials Certification You may have heard of the ‘cyber essentials‘ scheme, which launched in June 2014. Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme, created to help you protect your organisation against a range of the most common cyber attacks. In collaboration with Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises (IAMSE) they […]
What is a virtual CISO? When and how to hire one
Chief information security officers (CISOs) are in high demand, and good ones are expensive and difficult to find. Following a rash of high-profile data breaches, and knowing that such breaches have far-reaching consequences that are far more costly than the cost of the breach itself, every organisation worth its salt is attempting to bridge the […]
What does vulnerability scanning do?
Vulnerability scanning is the process of scanning software and systems for known vulnerabilities.

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