
At Unity Metrix, we understand the varied challenges that leaders across different roles face in safeguarding their organisations from cyber threats. Our penetration testing services are finely tuned to the needs of each stakeholder, offering tailored and robust protection.
Executives, including CEOs and COOs, benefit from our detailed testing that mitigates hidden risks, safeguarding your company’s reputation and operational continuity.

Compliance officers will appreciate how our services align with critical standards such as PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and GDPR, easing compliance burdens and demonstrating a proactive security stance.

For tech leaders and entrepreneurs in dynamic sectors like e-commerce and tech startups, our solutions fortify your ventures against cyber threats, enabling secure and sustainable growth.

We also empower data guardians and cybersecurity stewards by demystifying cybersecurity complexities, offering clear, actionable insights to streamline security management and enhance team awareness.

Partnering with Unity Metrix gives you more than just testing; you gain a strategic ally in navigating cyber threats, helping manage costs efficiently and fortify every layer of your organisation against evolving threats. This partnership allows you to focus on driving your business forward with confidence.

Why Choose Unity Metrix for Penetration Testing?

At Unity Metrix, we understand that each organisation’s security needs are unique. Our team of certified experts tailors every penetration test to align with your specific operational requirements, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and comprehensive assessment possible. With our deep industry knowledge and commitment to quality, we help you strengthen your defences and maintain a robust security posture.

Precise Vulnerability Detection

Our tests mimic real-world attack scenarios to pinpoint critical vulnerabilities.

Customised Security Evaluations

We go beyond checklist audits, offering tailored assessments that provide actionable insights.

Direct Remediation Support

If vulnerabilities are found, we guide you step-by-step in mitigating them effectively

Intuitive Risk Dashboard

Gain a clear, real-time view of your security posture, enabling informed decision-making.

How Can You Benefit from a Pen Test?

At Unity Metrix, we understand that each organisation’s security needs are unique. Our team of certified experts tailors every penetration test to align with your specific operational requirements, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and comprehensive assessment possible. With our deep industry knowledge and commitment to quality, we help you strengthen your defences and maintain a robust security posture.

Earn Customer Trust

Demonstrate your commitment to security and safeguard your clients’ data.

Ensure Compliance

Stay audit-ready and compliant with standards like GDPR, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001.

Simplify Security Management

Our clear guidance helps cut through the complexity of cyber threats.

Information Security Penetration Testing Costs Uncovered: How Much to Budget for Cyber Security

Understanding the cost of penetration testing is crucial for businesses planning their cybersecurity budget. At Unity Metrix, we ensure transparency in pricing, with costs dependent on several factors including the complexity of the systems being tested, the type of test required, and the depth of the assessment needed. Generally, businesses can expect:

Basic Web Application Pen Test

Starts from £1500 per day

Network Penetration Testing:

Typically ranges from £4,000 to £10,000

Full-Spectrum Testing:

Custom quotes based on specific needs and systems complexity

Choose Your Pen Test: Comparing Web, Network, and Full-Spectrum Options

There’s a variety of penetration testing services to meet diverse security needs. Each type of testing serves a specific purpose and covers different aspects of your IT infrastructure:

Web Application Penetration Testing

Focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in web applications including issues with input validation, server configuration errors, and application logic flaws.

Network Penetration Testing

Involves testing the network infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker, such as insecure network configurations and services.

Full-Spectrum Testing

Provides a comprehensive assessment that includes both web and network testing, alongside other critical areas like wireless security, social engineering resilience, and physical security.
Choosing the right type of test depends on your specific security concerns and regulatory requirements, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and impactful assessment.

Avoid Compliance Nightmares: Pen Testing for GDPR, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001

Penetration testing is a critical component in complying with regulatory standards such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001. At Unity Metrix, our testing protocols are designed to address the specific requirements of these regulations:


Helps ensure that personal data is protected against unauthorised access by identifying security weaknesses. Meeting the brief of Article 32 in “testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures” 


Assesses the security of cardholder data by testing the network and application layers as per PCI DSS Requirement 11.4 “External and internal penetration testing is regularly performed, and exploitable vulnerabilities and security weaknesses are corrected.”

ISO 27001

Supports the establishment of an effective information security management system by identifying vulnerabilities and security gaps.  ISO27001 12.6.1 states that exposure to vulnerabilities should be evaluated, and appropriate measures taken to address the associated risk

Regular penetration testing not only helps avoid the financial penalties associated with non-compliance but also enhances your company’s security posture, building trust with clients and stakeholders.

Ready to secure your business?

Don’t wait for a security breach to expose the weaknesses in your defences. Contact Unity Metrix today to schedule a free consultation with our founder Vince. Secure your business’s future by being proactive about your cybersecurity.
Tailored Protection


Trusted Expertise


24/7 Support


Easy Compliance


Our sample-v2 Process

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 Initial Consultation & Scope Definition

Initial Consultation & Scope Definition

Begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your unique cybersecurity needs and objectives. We define the scope of the penetration test, focusing on your most critical assets and the specific threats to your industry. This stage sets clear expectations and goals for the testing procedure.

Setting the stage for secure operations

Testing & Vulnerability Assessment

Testing & Vulnerability Assessment

Our certified security experts conduct rigorous penetration tests using the latest tools and methods to simulate real-world attacks. We assess your systems for vulnerabilities across various layers, including network, application, and endpoint defences, ensuring a thorough evaluation under controlled conditions.

Uncovering risks to fortify your defences

Analysis & Reporting

Analysis & Reporting

After testing, our team meticulously analyses the data and prioritises vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact. We compile a detailed report that not only highlights security gaps but also provides actionable recommendations for remediation and enhancement.

Insights into action: Securing your digital frontier

Review & Remediation Support

Review & Remediation Support

In the final step, we review the findings with you, discussing the necessary steps to remediate identified vulnerabilities. Our support extends beyond reporting; we guide you through the remediation process and can perform retesting if needed to ensure that all vulnerabilities are properly addressed, enhancing your overall security posture.

Continuous improvement for your cyber resilience

Our Customer

What Our Customers Say About us

Unity Metrix Secured Our Business

"As a small business in digital marketing, we were looking for a partner to help us shore up our cybersecurity. Unity Metrix made the whole process smooth and easy. Their team guided us through the steps to get Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance certified, scanning for vulnerabilities and making sure our systems were protected. They walked us through each part of the process and made sure we were equipped to handle future risks. Thanks to their friendly, knowledgeable team, we now have solid cybersecurity and peace of mind. If you're looking to secure your business, I can't recommend them enough!"

Chris Hadland

Director, Aura Media

Penetration Testing FAQs

How does penetration testing find what my team might miss?

Pen testing delves deeper than standard vulnerability scans, using sophisticated techniques to identify hidden weaknesses.

What specific compliance requirements does penetration testing help with?

Our services help you meet requirements for GDPR, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and more, ensuring that you’re not only compliant but also secure.

How can penetration testing streamline my security efforts?

Penetration testing identifies and prioritises vulnerabilities, which streamlines your security efforts by focusing resources on areas that pose the greatest risk. This targeted approach enhances overall security efficiency and effectiveness.

How often should we conduct pen tests to stay ahead of threats?

We recommend at least annually, or more frequently depending on your specific environment and changes in threat landscapes.  We offer automated monthly penetration testing to ensure continuous security, not just at a single point in time.

What happens if you find a critical vulnerability during testing?

We prioritise immediate action and provide detailed guidance on how to address critical vulnerabilities swiftly and effectively.

Can you break down how the risk dashboard works for non-technical staff?

The risk dashboard provides a user-friendly visual representation of your security status, highlighting areas needing attention at a glance.

Are there penetration testing options for small businesses or startups?

Yes, Unity Metrix offers scalable penetration testing services tailored for businesses of all sizes, including startups and small businesses. We provide flexible testing options that align with your specific security needs and budget constraints.

Meet the founder

From our humble beginnings to becoming a trusted name in the cybersecurity industry, our journey is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence. But we’re not just tech geeks huddled around computer screens all day! We are a group of passionate individuals who believe that a safer digital world is not just a necessity but a right for every business out there. Our vision and hard work have propelled us into partnerships with diverse industries, from healthcare to e-commerce and everything in between.

The Founder

Our Core Values



We operate with an open-book policy. No hidden fees, no ambiguous language. We believe informed clients are the best clients.



We never compromise on quality. Our services are designed to not just meet but exceed industry standards. Our certifications, including IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2, speak for themselves.



Cyber threats evolve every day, and so do we. Continual training, research, and development keep us ahead of the curve and you out of harm’s way.



Your security is our success. Our 24/7 availability ensures that your business operations never have to pause because of a cybersecurity concern.

Get in Touch

Have any questions or need assistance? Fill out the form below and one of our helpful and friendly cyber security experts will get back to you promptly.