Automated Vulnerability Scanning
In order to comply with PCI DSS, GDPR, the DPA and endless other requirements it is important to ensure that your internal and external Websites and devices are regularly and thoroughly tested. As an Acunetix partner, Unity Metrix can tailor a solution specifically to your requirements to ensure that you get not only the best value for money but also the best return on your investment.
Acunetix On Premise
Acunetix scans, detects and reports on over 3000 web application vulnerabilities. It fully supports HTML5 and JavaScript and AJAX-heavy websites, allowing auditing of complex, authenticated applications. Acunetix detects all variants of SQL Injection and XSS vulnerabilities and can automatically detect out-of-band
vulnerabilities. Also includes integrated vulnerability management features to extend the enterprise’s ability to comprehensively manage, prioritise and control vulnerability threats – ordered by business criticality.
Acunetix Online
Acunetix Online acts as a virtual security officer for any sized company, scanning websites, including integrated web applications, web servers and any additional perimeter servers for vulnerabilities – without the need to license or install software. Acunetix Online will scan the website with its industry-leading crawling and scanning technology, including full HTML 5 support, and its unmatched SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting detection capabilities.
Acunetix is an industry-leading solution that allows customers to identify flaws in their website. It automatically and comprehensively scans HTML5, JavaScript and AJAX-heavy websites as well as ones using popular CMS systems such as WordPress. It can audit complex, authenticated web applications and reports on over 3000 web vulnerabilities, including SQLi, XSS and out-of-band vulnerabilities. Acunetix allows customers to prioritise and manage these security threats all from one integrated vulnerability management solution.