Why do I need cyber essentials?

Why do I need cyber essentials?

  • You have the potential to win more business – do you know how many potential clients HAVE’NT contacted you because you lack it?
  • Some Government contract REQUIRE that you hold a minimum of Cyber Essentials certification.
  • Many businesses now make is a prerequisite for doing business with other parties.
  • It will almost certainly reduce the risk of you being a victim of cyber crime.
  • It puts you in a good legal position if you ever suffer a data loss.
  • It puts you in a good moral position for holding personal or sensitive data.
  • The cyber essentials assessors are trained, qualified cyber security experts, who know the threat landscape better than you.
  • For the vast majority of small businesses, a single cyber breach is enough to finish them.

Learn more about Cyber Essentials

Does my business need cyber essentials?

The main reasons your business needs Cyber Essentials are:

  • You probably have no idea of the actual threats to it, because you are not a cyber security expert.
  • Your IT provider or department are also not experts in cyber security and just work to the best of their knowledge.
  • Nobody hold you or your IT provider accountable until it’s too late.
  • The cost of it is massively less than the cost of a cyber breach.
  • It shows prospects that you take information security seriously.
  • A growing number of organisations won’t work with you unless you have it.
  • Why would you take the security of the inside of your business any less seriously than the locks on the doors and windows?
  • It is an essential component of a modern business offering.

Benefits of Cyber Essentials?

  • More business – prospects look for the badge to show reliability and responsibility.
  • Safety – diminished chance of falling foul of a cyber-attack.
  • Insurance – proof that you did what you could to make your data safe.
  • Efficiency – much of the standard improves things that you don’t do very well.
  • Good business – the cost of a cyber incident would likely be infinitely more expensive than the standard that would prevent it.
  • Good sense – neither you, nor your IT provider are likely to be experts in cyber security.
  • Free Cyber Insurance – if you are Cyber Essentials compliant
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